Elementary Program

Ages 6-12 (children must be 6 by Sept 1st)

In the Elementary program, children are introduced to the entire universe of human knowledge. Through a series of dramatic and evocative lessons which inspire exploration, discovery, and independent work, the elementary child explores everything from the Big Bang to today’s newspaper. Every possible field of study can be presented in the classroom and beyond, including history, geography, biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, art, music, literature and much more. Elementary children extend their classroom experience by ‘going out’ in small groups, on student-organized trips to the library, the theater, businesses, museums, or wherever their interests lead them.

The children are allowed to move freely in and around the environment, which is specially designed to meet their needs. They learn to set their own goals, budget their time, choose their workmates, and evaluate their own progress. Students may pursue topics that interest them through either small group or individual research. Meanwhile, the trained Montessori guide moves about the environment, assisting students in their independent projects and giving small group lessons based on observation of each student’s needs and interests.